What To Expect

When you decide to foster an animal, you're embarking on a rewarding journey of compassion and care. Here's what you can expect:

Separation and Isolation:

Ensure you have a separate space for your foster pet away from your own companion animals. An enclosed area without carpeting works best.
Pet-proof your home to prevent accidents and keep your foster pet safe.

Medical Considerations:

Be prepared to assist a pet with medical concerns or administer medication if needed.
Know how to handle emergencies and quickly transport your foster pet to the shelter's vet if required.

Emotional Attachment:

Understand that it might be difficult to let go once you've become attached to the animal.
Shed a few tears when the day comes to return your foster pet to the shelter or an adoptive home. Remember that your care has increased their chances of finding a loving, permanent home.

Adoption Process:

Explain to friends that these pets are not yours to adopt out directly. They must go through the regular adoption process at the shelter.
Refer interested friends and family to the shelter or rescue group for adoption applications.

Qualifications: Successful foster parents need compassion, cooperation from family or roommates, flexibility, and some knowledge of animal behavior. The duration of fostering varies based on the animal's situation.

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